When it matters most

Air Methods Answers the Call

Air Methods helicopter.
Air Methods helicopter on landing pad.

Quality care doesn’t begin in the emergency room

It begins at the scene of the accident or the moment a life-threatening illness strikes. Air Methods has a talented workforce of over 4,500 team members, which includes the best in the air medical industry. 

Our Reach is Far


Healthcare Partners

We partner with our EMS and hospitals to solve the challenges of patient logistics and save lives.


Community Based Services

We provide rural America with highly-trained critical care clinicians, experienced in burns, cardiac, pediatrics, respiratory, and trauma.



Air Methods Ascend EMS and Critical Care Recertification Courses Now Available

  • Ascend review courses are developed and taught by tenured, patient-facing emergency clinicians.
  • Hours and curriculum to renew EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic, and critical care/flight certifications.
  • Experiential and easy-to-use online environment.

1 Year subscriptions starting at just $79.

Affordable Care Doesn’t Require

There are a lot of misperceptions about the cost of air medical transport.
Air Methods is working to create a better way.

Are you a

Current Patient or Family member?

Visit our online patient and family center for all the resources and assistance you need to get you through this tough time.

Woman smiling in front of computer monitors.

Air Methods is Always Here to Answer Your Call.

Please visit our contact page for helpful phone numbers and email addresses.