AMPED Podcasts

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep. 44: Zen and the Art of Treating a Motorcycle Accident


A motorcycle accident victim faces dire circumstances and our team has to execute a new procedure that is rarely done in the field and has a high degree of risk if not done correctly. They are one of the only teams in the region equipped to even do such a procedure, and our team is […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep. 43: Into the Unknown


Presented with a patient whose symptoms seem contradictory then flip, change and remain unclear, our team must continue to work to keep the patient alive. What’s causing the duress for our patient? Is it an aneurysm? Is it neoplastic process? Cardiac arrest? Some combination of these factors? Our team remains nimble, attentive, and diligent in […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep. 41: The Calm Before the Storm


Sometimes the hardest part is the waiting. When our team is dispatched to a scene where a man who does not speak English is trapped inside a confined space with possible crush injuries, hypothermia and hyperkalemia, they must wait for him to be extricated. How do you stand that interminable time? How do you stay […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep. 40: MacGyver and Medicine


Any pediatric case comes with a higher degree of tension due to a variety of factors, including compensatory efforts to distress leading to a precarious “cliff” when those efforts cease. When our team is called to assist a 5-year-old child struggling to breathe but still exhibiting strong vital signs, how will the AMPED team react? […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep. 39: Don’t Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good


Any pediatric case comes with a higher degree of tension due to a variety of factors, including compensatory efforts to distress leading to a precarious “cliff” when those efforts cease. When our team is called to assist a 5-year-old child struggling to breathe but still exhibiting strong vital signs, how will the AMPED team react? […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep 38: Going the Distance No Matter What


Air medical crews are dispatched to the most extreme, most rare, most complex, and sometimes hopeless cases any patient could ever experience. It would be easy to look at extreme cases – like a man whose legs are stuck in a concrete auger on a precarious platform with devastating injuries and assess that he’s not […]

Air Methods Prehospital Education Podcast Ep 37: Asking for Help Isn’t Giving Up


When an infant patient faces seemingly insurmountable odds over the course of several hours, one of our clinicians suffers a mental health breakdown over the ensuing shifts, days and weeks. Thankfully her team recognized changes in her behavior and mood and offered abundant help. This episode covers not only the case involving the infant patient, […]

Air Methods Prehospital Education Podcast Ep 36: Sometimes the Solution is Obscure


Our profession requires extensive and exhaustive training. Much of it can seem esoteric and possibly unnecessary at the time, but we train on all of these things for a reason. When our team comes upon a severely burned patient, they extent of the burns causes a melange of difficulties. Could an obscure, and rarely used, […]

Air Methods Prehospital Education Podcast Ep 35: Hope Is a Good Thing…


As first responders, the odds of patient survival are not always in our favor. But that does not stop us from working quickly to provide the highest level of care for the chances of defying those odds. In this episode, a 10 year-old boy wrecks on his bicycle, a fairly common occurrence and one that […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep 34: Don’t Be a Canary


Things are not as they seem on this month’s episode of AMPED. Our team arrives on scene to find first responders dealing with a chemical burn and administering CPR. But something is amiss. This episode is a stark reminder that no matter the time of day, no matter the other circumstances, our role as clinicians […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep 33: Look One Way, But Go Another


In a Florida nature park, a woman is bitten by a snake, which is not terribly uncommon in this part of the country. What is unusual is her reaction to it, which is severely anaphylactic. With limited resources in the sprawling park, a closing window for treatment, and critical decisions to be made instantly, how […]

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast Ep 32: Giving the Gift of Goodbye


Our teams at Air Methods have many checklists they follow to ensure optimal care for each patient. What happens when our teams have to pivot their approach and their treatments because of the uniqueness of each individual? On this episode, our team tends to a car crash victim whose injuries make traditional methods of care […]

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