Survival of Out-of-Hospital Pediatric Blunt Traumatic Arrest With Full Neurologic Recovery: Case Report


Zachary T. Fica MD, MS; Amy Marquez MSN, CFRN; John Ehrhart FPC; Christian Sloane MD


We present the case of a 10-year-old previously healthy male who suffered an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest because of abdominal trauma and survived with excellent neurologic outcomes and near complete return to baseline functional status at hospital discharge. The rapid response and efficient mobilization of resources led to an excellent patient outcome despite the severity of injuries, including intra-abdominal injuries with expected mortality, out-of-hospital traumatic arrest, coagulopathy, and an extended pediatric intensive care unit stay. This case underscores the significance of timely advanced trauma life support interventions, especially early blood product administration, efficient transport, and airway management, while sharing a remarkable case of out-of-hospital pediatric traumatic arrest with near full recovery.

A 10-year-old previously healthy male called his mother on his smartwatch saying he had crashed his bicycle while riding in their neighborhood and felt unwell. His mother called 911 who activated emergency medical services, and the local advanced life support fire department arrived at the scene to find the patient pale and lethargic with right-sided abdominal pain. Recognizing the need for immediate transport to the nearest pediatric trauma facility approximately 35 miles away, helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) was requested per county protocol because of a shorter transport time.

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